Perfil Profesional de Instructores y Directivos


En Plain English:

  • Titulación de Cuarto Nivel Master´s Degree
  • Titulación de Tercer Nivel en Enseñanza de idioma Inglés (Bachelor Degree in Teaching)
  • Titulación de Tercer Nivel en otras Ciencias (Bachelor of Science)
  • Certificación de Enseñanza de Idioma Inglés como Segunda Lengua o como Lengua Extranjera (TESOL and /or TEFL Certificate)
  • Certificaciones que acrediten experiencia profesional en enseñanza y/o evaluación

En Inglés Técnico:

  • Certificación TOEFA OACI que acredite poseer NIVEL 6 EXPERTO de aviación
  • Certificación TOEFA OACI que acredite ser INSTRUCTOR DE INGLES DE AVIACION
  • Certificación ELTA OPENING TOEFA que acredite poseer NIVEL 6 EXPERTO de aviación
  • Certificación ELTA OPENING TOEFA que acredite conocer a profundidad los manuales y circulares de la OACI en relación a LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT
  • Certificaciones que acrediten experiencia docente dictando clases para adultos en Inglés para Propósitos Específicos ESP (Inglés Técnico

Doc. 9835 Chapter 4:

The best qualified language programme managers and instructors have an academic background in language teaching; expertise with aviation communications, and communicative language teaching experience, in addition to personal attributes important to teaching: sensitivity to and awareness of cross-cultural issues, a commitment to continued professional development, respect for the student, and an ability to engage and motivate students.

The notion that “anyone who speaks English can teach English” is incorrect. The research into how humans acquire languages addresses a full range of issues important to the establishment of efficient language training programmes. An appropriately prepared individual familiar with adult language acquisition theories and research, pedagogical innovations, testing doctrine, and linguistic principles can best guide the development of language training programmes in line with current research. Therefore, the first important consideration in the development of efficient and effective language training programmes is the designation of an appropriately prepared individual who can direct the task of cross-cultural issues and who has a commitment to continued professional development, respect for the student, and an ability to engage and motivate students.